Thursday, July 25, 2013

Money Pit . . . or Blessing ?

The overwhelming feeling of not being settled, has slowly creeped up on me in the last 24 hours. Today was a mental and emotional break down for me. Over the last 13 days I have gone through many emotions. My emotions have ranged from feeling extremely blessed to what did we get ourselves into. Every see the movie "Money Pit". Check the trailer out. . .

I have felt frustrated over this move. Here are a few highlights. . . Moving day . . . took 7 guys and 3 trucks to load our house. And the last truck had a hard time making it up our driveway.

Our last picture of us in our old house.

Closing day has arrived, and to our surprise the previous homeowners were not in any hurry to leave. They finally moved out 4 hours after closing. And they left their pile of garbage as a welcome home present.

We decided to take our own welcome home picture. 


You may not believe, this garbage took me 11 hours on the phone with Waste Management, and 7 days later before they picked up and removed. The garbage began to smell day 3. JOY!!!

Over the course of the next 13 days, we have found dead animals in our pool.  Yes, very sad :(  A/C stopped working (found out we had to bang the top of the compressor to get the fan to work).   There were bats and dead rodents in the attic.  Finally, the landscaper cut my cable and internet line that was not yet buried.  This caused my meltdown today.

A friend of mine posted this today on Facebook.  "Whether it be relational, vocational, material or emotional....  Wanting what we don’t have displays that we are not satisfied with God’s provision in our life."

I reflect on all the blessings we had over the last 13 days.  I am thankful for what I have and continue to be blessed with.  I adore my friends and family for help during this stressful time.  Do you have an experience where something or someone reminds you of all the blessings? 

Angelina jumping ! No  fear this one. 

 Timmy flying :) 

Justin doing a nice spin !

 Justin being an amazing brother to Timmy and play cards with him. 

 Momma's Boy :) 

I am going to end with a funny story from this entire week.  We have an entertainment center we cannot get down the basement stairs.  My husband decided to cut the entertainment center in half.  Literally!!   

Do you think it fit?

1 comment:

  1. I hope your entertainment center eventually got downstairs! I am worried it went like the rest of your week and is still causing you a problem.

    It looks like you are very blessed. What a beautiful family! This is all something you will be laughing at very soon. Chin up!

    <3 Ash
